Broadway Sings for Pride & Broadway Sessions

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I had the honor of performing at two great events in June:

BROADWAY SINGS FOR PRIDE is a biannual fundraising event to benefit the LGBTQ community. I was honored to join my Bastard Jones cast mate and friend Adam B. Shapiro in singing his smartly arranged Cruising Medley mash-up. Watch the clip HERE (starts at 3:37). You can also visit their WEBSITE and their FACEBOOK PAGE for more info and footage.

BROADWAY SESSIONS is a weekly event led by Ben Cameron and held at the Laurie Beechman Theatre, where the theatre-loving community gathers to hear talent from current and past NYC productions sing their hearts out. The cast of Bastard Jones was invited to give the masses a taste of our show. And as sometimes happens, things get a little naked... Visit the video HERE and take a look at the FACEBOOK PAGE for more details.